

There was a big slender spider with a light grey and lemon-yellow coloring. She could not speak but was very nice and friendly. I remember thinking "this spider is so chill". I don't remember anything else.

I saved a pigeon from drowning in a pool with spinning water and I was carrying it around to care for it. I got on a bus with a bunch of people I know online and the bus dropped me off in an empty bus terminal. I said goodbye to my friend who was on the bus and got on the subway. When I got off the subway and out of the station, I found myself in a rooftop with a friend from college. That's when I saw the pigeon died and had already begun to decompose. I tossed its remains off the rooftop and broke down crying. I woke up crying as well.

Someone was mean to me because I wasn't wearing a bra.

My friend was going to delete their discord and I very was sad but did not demonstrate it because they seemed at peace with their decision.

I was arguing with someone online over eye colors and they thought Alexandria's Genesis was real and sent me pictures of purple eyes to prove it, which made me very mad. I woke up in the middle of typing "ARE YOU STUPID" in response to them.

My friend studied at a boarding school and was telling me how one of their friends accused them of sexual harrassment. I don't remember what they said exactly but the way they put it in the dream made it seem like they were victim-blaming a lot. I still sided with them anyway.

Everyone in Brazil was exiled because they had to clean it up.

I was at a park and there were a lot of amputees. I remember seeing a lady with no legs and no hands cruising in a skateboard-like object and I wondered how she goes about her daily tasks by herself.

I was walking down the street, though at some point it was a foliage covered earth. There were little sparks burning in the leaves, threatening to cause a fire. I tried putting them out but there would always be more. Suddenly I was at a thrift store and my cigarettes were completely wet. I kept trying to remove these wet cotton balls from the pack but when I grabbed one, there would be another cotton ball in the exact same position, as if they were overlaid on top of each other like a video game. I got new cigarettes and went inside another thrift shop.

I went to my mom's apartment to sleep there, and got woken up at 5AM by my grandma who had somehow gotten in and was checking on me because it was my first day of class. I got mad, yelled at her to get the fuck out of my house and kicked her out only for her to come back a few hours later while I was getting dressed to leave. I kicked her out again. Two friends were there and then they left (I assumed in the dream it was because they didn't like the way I yelled at my grandma). Then i went to college and was having classes about contemporary issues with a very pale blonde woman who kept breaking down and crying because we all sucked (as a class) and wouldn't pay attention to what she was saying. She spoke very quietly so it was hard to understand her. Sometimes the dream would switch to me at a friends house. His mom smugly locked me in the kitchen because i expressed some controversial political belief like "killing brown people is bad" so I got out through the back door and went back inside through the living room door and yelled "stop silencing leftists for disagreeing with you" at her, and she yelled "LEAVE. YOU HAVE ODD (oppositional defiance disorder)" and I gave her a little "I'm right and you know it" smile and left. Then I was back in class and the teacher cried and screamed a lot because, again, no one was paying attention to her. At some point in the dream there was a subplot about an immigrant family being killed on the subway and it made me sad.

I was reading an erotic comic about an androgynous character presented in different fetish situations at the whims of a cruel princess. The situations mostly occupied one page with two panels and it was implied the character was subjected to those different experiences for hours on end before moving on to the next one. Sometimes I was reading the comic, sometimes the comic was happening in front of me, but I wasn't there at all. I was very invested in it but woke up before I could finish it.

I was at my friend Mono's house and we spent a long time talking. In the dream, she was a famous writer's sister and I showed her a song and we were listening to it along with a videoclip, which was a "watermelon flavored" stop motion video made with children's toys by a YouTube content farm channel and they said in the comments that watermelon was everyone's favorite flavor and they would never get rid of it. Then i went to the bathroom and i said "I'm venting" to Mono (who heard me) because it was some inside joke about Among Us. When I woke up, I was trying to pee the bed because I was also trying to pee in the dream. I did not pee the bed.
Later fell asleep and had another dream where I was on Discord and found messages between me and my cousin that were from a couple hours earlier except I didn't remember ever saying that. The messages were also very weird. At some point during them I referred to myself as Wilhelm in the third person and my cousin was replying weirdly and cryptically. When I read these, I thought one of my alters had fully detached from me and kicked me out of front, which was scary.

I was at a beach hotel and there was a restaurant by the beach and behind it was a little pond full of carp but the restaurant wanted to get rid of it and people were paying this Reddit hacker to maintain it. At some point I went behind the restaurant to check it out with people I was with in the dream, but when we got there, donations stopped coming through and the pond was drained and the fish were dying. I broke down sobbing and woke up crying.

I was going to a wedding and was dripped the fuck out but everyone else there was the weird tacky Evangelical type and they didnt fuck with my swag. Sometimes the dream changed to me walking by street food stands and Kamala Harris was selling yakisoba, though sometimes she would assume the appearance of a man who, in real life, texted me "hi", called me on Whatsapp and then sent his own profile picture to me without me knowing him. I still haven't replied to him.
