Hello! This is where I'll be posting my thoughts, doodles and everyday life at varying consistencies.
New posts will show up on top of older ones. New pages every 10 posts.

ENTRY 3 - updates & all (30/12/2022)

Fucked off and died for 11 days. I had to go on two family trips only a day apart from each other so naturally I am very tired. Drew a decent amount during that time and it's already up in the gallery. My friend's brother let her have his apartment on NYE so she's throwing a party tomorrow and I'll spend the night there. Can't forget to buy my own drinks. Her brother only left a crate of beer and I fucking hate beer. I hope I'll have fun. I think I'm getting depressed again, or at the very least, coming down from hypomania. Vivienne Westwood died. :(

ENTRY 2 - thoughts & ideas (19/12/2022)

I mentioned needing to read more, and I did! I finished Guattari's The Three Ecologies yesterday and finally got back into Anti-Oedipus. I'm trying to familiarize myself with the terms first, before I do an actual, in-depth reading of the book. Same goes for A Thousand Plateaus. I have therapy today in an hour. I'll probably go out to read a little more before that. Also, I've been thinking about organizng a reading/discussion/direct action group in my college after classes return, but it'll be so hard, since most people there are apolitical bourgeois amoebas. It wouldn't hurt to try, though.

ENTRY 1 - first blog! (17/12/2022)

Yay! Baby's first blog. I just suddenly got inspired to make this website after realizing how much social media sucks. Plus I wanted to get back into coding, since I haven't been really doing that over at ToyHouse. I've barely been drawing OC's, it's been mostly D&G fanart, if anything at all.

Today has been good, I got to shrimp in front of the computer all day, and had some interesting conversations with friends. I still can't hear out of my left ear, but that should be fixed today or tomorrow. I need to read more, but I can only do it when I'm not at home... kind of annoying, since I'm going at a snail's pace with any book that isn't The Three Ecologies. I must've read maybe one or two paragraphs from A Thousand Plateaus this week, and I really don't remember the last time I touched Anti-Oedipus. I don't want to read out obligation, but with my current pace...